The recovery period is over. It was quite remarkable. I felt much better on Saturday already. I had the distinct feeling of getting better as I was lying in bed on Friday night, but that can’t possibly be true. Sunday was also good. No pain from my belly. I ate almost normally though not normal amounts. I still lacked energy and spent good time on the sofa or in bed, but I got out to go on little walks. My stomach somehow went back to feeling continuously full, even when I’m hungry, but my body has learned to handle this better than in January. Conclusion: The weekend was ok, much better than expected.
Yesterday, I went back on Lonsurf. The doctor’s words didn’t offer clear guidance. Did I feel all right, or did I not? I was somewhere in between. There was room for improvement, but maybe that’s the new normal. I decided to continue with the full dosage, as prescribed. After all, the main point, easily forgotten among all the feel-good blah blah, is beating the cancer.
Today I went up to the hospital to see, wait, no, not my doctor but a substitute. My doctor is gone for three weeks, vacation. He seems to take quite a lot of time off. He was gone around Christmas as well. But he’s also often in the hospital on weekends and works way past dark. Good thing that he can compensate the hours that are not in his contract and return fresh, alert and on top of his game.
The substitute doctor did the same things the regular doctor does, but there were some differences. Sounding out my lungs with her stethoscope, she claimed that they sounded much better than she would have expected from the state of my health as documented on her computer. She then asked me to breathe in and out deeply. Today was the first time in months I did this without coughing. These are the little things that can brighten my day and keep me going.
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